About Us

Determined to ease the import process, Steve S. Ahn Custom House Broker was first created to help small businesses and individuals clear their goods with U.S Customs & Border Protection. With over 35 years of experience handling imports & exports,  there is no job too big or too small to handle.

At Steve S. Ahn CHB, our business is helping you have one less headache to worry about. Whether you need help with Logistical Planning, Rules & Regulations, ISF Filings, or many more, we are here to help.

DHS Logo

Business handshake

Airplane take off

License#: 11910

New York District Permit#: 875

National Permit#: 09-0128

Certified ACE Technology
Remote Location Filing

 Our Services

ISF Filing (10+2)

U.S. Customs & Border Protection wants to know what is coming in before it reaches the USA.

Per Regulations, an Importer’s Security Filing (aka ISF) must be filed prior to loading cargo onto the Export Vessel bound for the United States.

To avoid possible Fines and/or Penalties, we file your shipment accurately and properly notifying CBP of your goods.


Entry Processing

Once your goods arrive at the border or port, it must be cleared with Customs prior to pick up.

Some cargo may be a simple clearance while others can be complex and involved with many Partner Government Agencies.

Utilizing the latest ACE Technology and Programs we make sure everything goes as smooth as possible.


Importing or Exporting can be a daunting and stressful task. There are many questions and factors involved such as:

    • How much does it cost?
    • Where can I ship my goods?
    • Do I need a permit?
  • Can I even bring this in?

We review these concerns and help guide you to your next step forward.


Import / Export

CBP checks and enforces all goods coming in and going out of the country.

Check your compliance for Entry Processing, by providing shipping documents to us to confirm.

If you have any further questions, we will gladly assist.

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